The ACS supply chain management team has completed its annual charity walk in aid of the Mark Edwards Foundation.

The foundation was set up in memory of colleague Mark Edwards. Mark was a huge character, a great rugby player and an enormous sports fan – and tragically died of cancer aged just 44.

The Mark Edwards Foundation was created by Mark’s family and friends,and is designed to assist young people in the achievement and development of sporting excellence. The funds raised are distributed as grants for clothing, equipment, sports education, coaching, mentoring and club membership fees.

Mark was a stalwart of the supply chain management team and his colleagues chose to remember him by supporting the foundation. This year the route was 10 miles across Shropshire, the weather was kind, and apart from a few blisters there were no injuries. Participants stayed overnight in a bunk barn and the SCM directors cooked supper for everybody! Mark would have thoroughly approved.

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