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Supply Chain Software

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EV Cargo’s proprietary SaaS software solutions provide you with the perfect technology platform to manage your direct sourcing operations.

Supplier Set Up
Our supplier set up module gives you a single technology enabled workflow for efficiently and effectively on-boarding new factories into your sourcing and supply chain operation.

Sample Management
Our sample management module enables you to manage all aspects of your sample lifecycle including capturing sample specifications and measurements, sharing test requirements and results, supporting interactive fit sessions and recording sample approvals.


Brief and Quote
Our brief and quote module enables you to share multi-media product briefs with your supply base including full tech packs and then manage the quotation process through to finalisation and selection.

Critical Path
Our critical path module manages the entire production workflow with your vendors through the key milestones of scheduling, materials procurement and manufacturing to ensure your POs ship on time and in full.

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Quality Control
Our quality control module allows you to manage the process of inspection scheduling and booking, sharing of results and shipment approval, and includes direct online access for your third party inspectors.

Packaging Optimisation
Our packaging design module ensures your vendors use your agreed packaging specifications to minimise your packaging footprint and reduce the cost and environmental impact of your international supply chain.

Ethical Trade
Our ethical trade module enables you to record and manage ethical audits and corrective action plans for all the factories in your supply chain, including capturing supplier tiering for full traceability.

Partner Collaboration
Our partner collaboration module enables you to work more effectively with your supply base by simplifying and speeding up the sharing of information, documentation and other materials between supply chain partners.



EV Cargo’s proprietary SaaS software solutions provide you with the perfect technology platform to create your own supply chain control tower.

Forwarder Agnostic
Our supply chain execution software enables you to create your own PO management control tower irrespective of which or how many forwarders you use.

Integrated Platform
Our supply chain execution software integrates with our sourcing and compliance modules to create a complete product lifecycle management platform.

Powerful Functionality
The powerful features and functionality of our supply chain execution software enable you to manage your international orders and shipments at a deeply granular SKU level.

Visibility and Control
Driven by simplified workflows and with an emphasis on exceptions management, our execution software enables you to manage your flow of goods through the three phases of order, ship and deliver.



EV Cargo’s proprietary SaaS software solutions combine best of breed analytics to power your supply chain decision making.

Actionable Insights
Our analytics modules help you understand your supply chain data and use it to make better decisions in real time, managing by exception.

Simplifying Data
Our analytics modules take complex operational data and make it easier to understand and interpret with powerful visualisations that bring your supply chain to life.

Proactive Management
Our predictive analytics and machine learning use your historical and real time data to forecast likely outcomes for your live shipments, enabling you to get in front of emerging issues.

Enriching Data
By adding in external data we can enrich your analysis and decision making process, enabling you to factor-in outside influences that may impact the performance of your supply chain.

Hear from our experts:

We supply supply chain software to world leading brands, with over 30 years of experience in this field. Global retailers rely on our independent software to ensure sourcing compliance and effective end-to-end supply chain management.

We have two different software platforms, EV Source and EV Flow. Both options are cloud-based and are offered directly to clients, irregardless of which freight provider they use. We are a stand alone technology provider with independent software.

EV Cargo One