Global logistics and technology business EV Cargo’s commitment to global sustainability gathered further momentum in 2021, with the company introducing a raft of environmentally targeted operational programmes and appointments over the course of the year.

As one of the company’s three core values, its drive for sustainability was bolstered with the appointment in March of Dr Virginia Alzina as chief sustainability officer, with responsibility for leading the environmental strategy and initiatives across the company.

Last year, Dr Alzina oversaw the development of a comprehensive decarbonisation roadmap, while a sustainability committee was established at executive board level, and more than 20 employees were given the role of sustainability champions across the business.

EV Cargo also became a signatory to a number of high-profile international agreements aimed at ensuring it is ambitious and in line with international sustainability frameworks and standards contributing to a sustainable future for the logistics industry.

These included the UN Global Compact, a pact to encourage businesses and firms worldwide to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies, and to report on their implementation.

Dr Alzina said: “Sustainability is a core value and a cornerstone of EV Cargo’s operations, and the last 12 months have seen the company take major steps both internally and globally to reinforcing our stated commitment.

“At EV Cargo we understand that there is no time to lose, and we are putting the environment at the centre of our decision-making process. It is crucial that there is a global response to a global problem and setting ambitious targets in stone is a vital part of the efforts to avert a climate crisis.”

Following its announcement at the COP26 summit in Glasgow in October, which was attended by EV Cargo, the business endorsed the ambitious Global Memorandum of Understanding, which aims to achieve an interim goal of 30% of zero-emission new bus and truck vehicle purchases by 2030 and 100% by 2040.

The move marries with EV Cargo’s increased focus on environmental issues and to decarbonise its operations. It also committed to focus its efforts on seven of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, joined the UN Science Based Target initiative programme, the Arctic Pledge, and completed the UN Global Compact´s Climate Ambition Accelerator programme.

Other achievements in 2021 included the completion of the Target Gender Equality programme and delivery of diversity and inclusivity training to all senior managers.

On an operational level, EV Cargo received ISO 14001 accreditation, established systematic data capture on all material KPIs and reporting, and acquired the GLEC-approved EcoTransIT tool for measuring carbon footprint of all our cargo movements.

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