EV Cargo Logistics staff chose to not run their usual Secret Santa present-swap this Christmas but to donate the money they would have spent to a local foodbank instead.

Planning team leader Kelly Race, who has been with EV Cargo Logistics for 24 years, organised the collection so that they could provide Christmas hampers for people in need via their local foodbank Oscari.

Kelly said: “The foodbank has seen a tremendous increase in requests for food parcels recently and can only help people it they are given the means to do so.

“I feel very lucky to have a roof over my head, a good job, a supportive family and to have financial security, especially since the pandemic, so I always feel like I should share my good fortune by helping other people who are less fortunate.”

It is the second time Kelly has helped the foodbank this year – in April she raise almost £400 by being sponsored to wear a ballgown to work.

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