In addition to undertaking his role as EV Cargo Executive Vice President Marketing & Communications, Dave Holland is also coming to the end of a two-year period as consort to his wife, the Mayor of Congleton.

As well as supporting the Mayor at a number of functions during the two-year period, Dave has also been at the forefront of raising funds for charity and has been a volunteer in the town’s COVID vaccination programme.

Managing the meet and greet function at the vaccination centre, Dave has been part of a team of evening shift volunteers who have helped the programme vaccinate over 1200 people every day.

“When my wife Sally Ann was elected as Mayor of Congleton for the second time, it was an honour to take up the post of consort again,” explained Dave.

“It really gets you involved with all aspects of community life, from town functions to charity events. The past year has obviously thrown in some obvious challenges but it has also allowed me to become part of the huge vaccination programme in the town.

“They haven’t let me loose with the needles just yet, so I’ve been undertaking meet and greet, welcoming people to the centre, getting them into order and ready for their jabs so we can keep the process as efficient as possible.

“That’s been very rewarding and I feel extremely privileged to have played an active role in the community for the last two years as the Mayor’s consort.”

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