EV Cargo’s Palletforce, the leading international express distribution network, has just set new weekly and daily records for network volumes after successfully implementing a range of measures and member support to protect and grow its business amidst the COVID-19 challenges.

Last week Palletforce volumes hit an all-time high with the network handling over 100,000 pallets during the week, with volumes 13% higher than the same week last year, and this week it set a new daily record.

It also coincided with the milestone of 41 million pallets passing through the network.

Like all distribution networks, Palletforce volumes dropped significantly once lockdown restrictions were announced. However, decisive action by both EV Cargo and the Palletforce board, alongside an unprecedented number of support measures for members, has recently seen network volumes soar.

The powerful range of member support included the provision of a bespoke digital sales and marketing campaign, helping individual members boost their online marketing, identify sales opportunities and reach new customers.

Palletforce directors also took part in an ‘adopt a depot’ programme, making weekly calls with individual depot principals, offering additional business support and maintaining strong communication channels.

Members also received weekly COVID-19 support updates from Palletforce chief executive Michael Conroy, highlighting the various initiatives and incentives from the government, the wider industry and detailing Palletforce network updates. Bespoke member support around HR, marketing and training was also offered by Palletforce’s trusted partners to further help members navigate the challenges.

Palletforce also leveraged its superior, sector-leading technology, such as the artificial intelligence innovations within Alliance Sense, pallet selfies and ePOD2, to enhance both safety for delivering drivers and provide unrivalled customer service.

Michael Conroy, Palletforce chief executive, said: “Protecting the business and providing support for our members to navigate the pandemic and ignite growth has been a prime concern. With the assistance of EV Cargo, we have taken a range of proactive steps to support members and digitise our business. They have had a huge positive impact, not only on recovering network volumes but also bolstering our already strong member relationships as we take a collaborative approach to working together and supporting each other.

“We continue to remain cautious, are aware that the future is still uncertain and the speed at which the UK economy will recover is unclear. However, we are looking forward with hope and optimism and, as the UK comes back online, Palletforce offers huge advantages for businesses looking to rebuild their operations. We envisage greater demand for less than truck load services and, as we can easily cope with fluctuating volumes on a variable cost basis while maintaining the highest levels of quality service, Palletforce is well placed to help UK manufacturers and distributors whose order books have been hit by unpredictable volumes.”

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