EV Cargo Global Forwarding, delivered by Allport Cargo Services (ACS), has partnered with a key customer, Promeco, to supply face masks in France and Belgium. Promeco is an international leader in the design, production, distribution and promotion of fashion and tableware for retail distribution. The deliveries have required 28 Allport Cargo Services charter flights, plus an additional 30% on commercial flights. In total 108,140 cartons containing 108 million face masks have been supplied as well as significant quantities of hygiene wipes and gels.

Maxime Heylen, Branch Manager, ACS Belgium said: ’All shipments were handled on Ex Works terms meaning ACS had to handle the entire end-to-end of the supply chain; controlling the process every step of the way. This included factory pick-ups across China, origin customs and inspections, build and break of the flights, destination customs, warehousing, and distribution to the retailers’ warehouses in Belgium and France.’

The charter flights were between Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport and Brussels, Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport and Ostend-Bruges International Airport, and Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport and Liege Airport Belgium.

A further 80 million masks are due to ship in June by a combination of rail and ocean freight.

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